SEK Svensk Elstandard

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SEK Svensk Elstandard

New work item proposal, NP

New work item proposal (NP) är termen som används inom IEC för nya förslag på standardiseringsprojekt.

Är du intresserad av att delta eller få ytterligare information om nya standardiseringsförslag, kontakta SEK kansli på eller telefon 08-444 14 00.

Förslagen kan beställas kostnadsfritt från SEK Svensk Elstandard via formuläret nedan. Antalet kostnadsfria standardiseringsförslag är begränsat till tre. Vid beställning av fler än tre förslag och för utskick av pappersexemplar tas en avgift på 300 kr/förslag.

Benämning IECBenämning CLCTitelSEK gruppDeadline
4/514/NPPNW 4-514 ED1: Terms and Definitions for Hydraulic Turbine Governing SystemsTC 42025-02-20
100/4241/NPPNW TS 100-4241 ED1: Multimedia Systems and Equipment for Metaverse - Part 2: ClassificationTC 1002025-02-20
82/2327/NPPNW TS 82-2327 ED1: Renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 120: Procurement processes, including tendering and evaluationTC 822025-02-20
82/2326/NPPNW TS 82-2326 ED1: Guidelines for qualifying PV modules for operation in floating solar platformsTC 822025-02-20
34/1288/NPPNW 34-1288 ED1: Horticultural lighting – LED modules for horticultural lighting – SafetyTC 342025-02-20
61/7346/NPPNW 61-7346 ED1: Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-xxx: Particular requirements for washer-dryersTC 612025-02-20
47D/984/NPPNW 47D-984 ED1: Date Code of individual electronic componentsTC 47/SC 47D2025-02-27
SyCAAL/377/NPPNW TS SYCAAL-377 ED1: Guidance for the development and implementation of Active Assisted Living (AAL) Systems and ServicesSyC AAL2025-02-27
115/393/NPPNW TS 115-393 ED1: High voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission – System requirements for DC-side equipment - Part2: Using voltage sourced convertersTC 1152025-03-06
21/1237/NPPNW 21-1237 ED1: General Guidance on the Discharge of Decommissioned Batteries for RecyclingTC 212025-03-06
86B/4994/NPPNW 86B-4994 ED1: Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Basic test and measurement procedures – Part 2-58: Tests – Resistance test of immersion cooling environmentsTC 86/SC 86B2025-03-13
86B/4993/NPPNW 86B-4993 ED1: Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Connector optical interfaces for enhanced macro bend multimode fibres – Part 3-1: Connector parameters of physically contacting 50 µm core diameter fibres – Non-angled 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical full zirconia ferrulesTC 86/SC 86B2025-03-13
21/1242/NPPNW 21-1242 ED1: Secondary sodium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric vehicles - part 2: Safety requirements and test methodsTC 212025-03-13
62/540/NPPNW 62-540 ED1: Post-market surveillance of machine learning-enabled medical deviceTC 622025-03-13
21/1241/NPPNW 21-1241 ED1: Secondary sodium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 1: Performance testingTC 212025-03-13
86B/4999/NPPNW 86B-4999 ED1: Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Performance standard for railway application – Part 1: General and guidanceTC 86/SC 86B2025-03-27
46C/1311/NPPNW 46C-1311 ED1: IEC 62783-3 ED1: Twinax cables for digital communication - Part 3: Family specification - Cable for SAS physical interfacesTC 46/SC 46C2025-04-03
8C/125/NPPNW TS 8C-125 ED1: Technical Guidelines for the Function and Project Design of Ac-to-Dc Line ConversionsTC 8/SC 8C2025-04-03
8C/124/NPPNW TS 8C-124 ED1: General Guideline for the Carbon Emission Monitoring and Assessment in Interconnected Electric Power SystemsTC 8/SC 8C2025-04-03
15/1047/NPPNW 15-1047 ED1: Cellulosic/non-cellulosic mixed paper and non-cellulosic paper used as capacitor separatorsTC 152025-04-10
88/1073/NPPNW TS 88-1073 ED1: Design requirements for Wind Turbine GeneratorsTC 882025-04-10
62A/1644/NPPNW TS 62A-1644 ED1: Risk Management for Combination ProductsTC 62/SC 62A2025-04-17
114/567/NPPNW TS 114-567 ED1: Guideline for Research and Development of Small/ Tiny Wave Energy ConvertersTC 1142025-04-17
57/2756/NPPNW PAS 57-2756 ED1: Role-based access control - Definition of roles and permissions for engineeringTC 572025-04-24
47A/1181/NPPNW 47A-1181 ED1: Integrated Circuits - Electronic fuses for low voltage automotive power distribution networksTC 47/SC 47A2025-04-24

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SEK Svensk Elstandard

Post: Box 1042, 172 21 Sundbyberg

Besök: Englundavägen 7, 171 41 Solna


Tel: 08-444 14 00

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